Thursday, December 20, 2012

The slow car ride to equal pay for women

Today in Western countries it is pretty much taken for granted that men and women get paid the same amount for doing the same job. [This doesn't mean that there still aren't subtle inequities and prejudices. But, that is another issue.]
Hence, it is hard to appreciate that this is a very recent phenomenon.
For example, in the UK the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1970 but only came into force in 1975!
[Don't you love the way politicians do this...]

I enjoyed watching the movie Made in Dagenham which is partly based on the historical events leading to the Equal Pay Act in the UK.

I thought it did particularly well at portraying the way that authorities/oppressors/rulers seek to divide, frustrate, and wear down those fighting them.
On the down side, I think there were a few too many cute hairdo's and dresses.

Husband to wife: "This is what happens when you go on strike. You end up yelling at each other."

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